Please refer to our video tutorial: Creating an FTP account.
By default, you already have a single default FTP account. Use you cPanel username and password to log into it. Creating new FTP accounts can be done to give FTP access to other people without giving them your cPanel login information. To create an FTP account in cPanel:
- Log into cPanel.
- Click the FTP Accounts icon.
- Enter a login name.
- Enter a password. It is recommended that you make the password as strong as possible (100/100). The Generate Password tool will always give you a maximum-strength password. For security reasons, passwords with a strength of less than 60/100 may not be accepted.
- Enter the password again to confirm.
- A recommended directory has been automatically generated. You can change this to whatever you'd like. The FTP account will have access limited to the specified directory and any of its subdirectories.
- You can also set a disk space quota for the account.
- Click the Create FTP Account button.
Congratulations! You now know how to create an FTP account.